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Infos pratiques

La Bellone : rue de Flandre 46, 1000 Bruxelles
Arthis : rue de Flandre 33, 1000 Bruxelles
Kaaistudio : rue Notre-Dame-du-Sommeil 81, 1000 Bruxelles

Tél : 02/513.33.33 - Informations : accueil@bellone.be

Comment se rendre à La Bellone et Arthis ?
Métro : Sainte-Catherine
Pré-métro : Bourse
Bus : 33 (Dansaert) - 71/29 (De Brouckere) - 48 (Manneken-Pis)
Parking vélo devant La Bellone

Comment se rendre au Kaaistudio ?
10 minutes à pied ou 2 minutes en vélo depuis La Bellone
Métro : Sainte-Catherine
Pré-métro : Bourse
Tram : Arts et Métiers ou Porte de Ninove

Espace calme - Garderie - Accessibilité - Cadre de confiance

Identité visuelle et développement web :
Laurent & Théo - Circlar - 2025

Typographie :
1 : AmieB - Variante de Amieamie par Circlar
2 : Amieamie - Mirat Masson et al.

Avec le soutien de :

Avec le partenariat de :


Idle Hours

One thing has ended. There are some hours in between. The next hasn’t begun.

Dessert is about to arrive at the table, and it’s too early to go to bed. There’s nothing to do–only time is left, stretching. We’ve free time, drinking with friends, and lingering around.

The night is open, what about playing a game or a song? Starting a story or a conversation? Come and spend those idle hours with us.

The meaning of idle includes: pointless, lazy, without purpose or effect, disconnected, frivolous, foolish, petty, vain, and so on. Basically, to spend time, battery saving mode. The evening involves a programme of dessert, performances, music, games, and more. Think of it as the performance of your nephew at the family function. Come chill, think, watch, and sit with it.

Picar will gather for four days in Kaaistudios—and a little longer—to piece together a programme that drifts between practices, desires, and questions of making and friendship. A fleeting evening, just enough to warm up the future, played in the hands of the present.

Full programme coming soon.